Services Services

What sets apart from other online web design resources is our wide range of quality services that are specifically tailored to ensure the success of your law firm's website in terms of both website design and lawyer marketing. Below you will find a brief description of the services we offer to lawyers looking to get the most out of their websites, and how each service can help you accomplish your professional goals. Before you get started on creating your website, it is a good idea to obtain a basic familiarity with these key features of lawyer website design and how they can help you turn clicks and site traffic into new clients.

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Lawyer Web Design

As you may already be aware, the importance of a well designed and well functioning website cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to the professional website of a law firm, no matter how large or small. With our help, you can choose from a number of beautifully designed templates that will not only attract prospective clients, but will function in a user friendly manner across multiple platforms and devices. One of the most essential aspects of successful website design is creating a mobile friendly site. This is important because almost 60% of internet users use a mobile device rather than a desktop to search the internet. With a mobile friendly site from law firm websites, you can always be sure that your site can be reached by anyone searching for you on the internet, no matter what device they choose to find your site with.

Lawyer Pay-Per-Click Campaign

A great way to grow your law firm is by participating in pay-per-click, or PPC and SEM campaign. These are paid ads that appear at the top of a search engine results page (SERP). At the moment, Google displays up to 4 ads at the top of their SERPs.

Essentially, a campaign is created, within the campaign you have ‘adgroups’ that basically separate your campaign to focus on specific products or services, in a case of a family lawyer we would recommend creating adgroups for each of the services you offer that is related to family law.

  • Child Support


  • Child Custody


  • Family Mediation


  • Separation


  • Spousal Support


Building out each adgroup this way allows you to focus on those specific keywords related to each service. This will not only increase your ad position, but you results in a smaller CPC and your ad will display longer throughout the day as your budget wont get eaten up as fast.

If your law firm is looking for an immediate result in a marketing strategy, PPC campaigns are a great start. We recommend this for any law firm looking to get traffic and leads in a short turn around. This campaign will take roughly 2 - 3 weeks to set up with custom landing pages. You’ll be able to track which ad works best, which keyword is your best performing ad and what keyword is driving most of your leads.

How much does it cost to do Adwords?

If you login to Google Adwords, you can look at the CPC of any keyword. Once you get the average CPC, you can calculate how much it will cost to compete with local competitors. To give you an idea of costs and to set the right expectations, our rep at Google recently said that Google’s research shows that on average, you need 15-20 clicks to receive a conversion. What does this mean?

A conversion is a messurement of a goal completion. This could be compelted through clicking an ad, and making a phone call or filling out a conact form like a ‘request a quote’ form.

The average CPC for this phrase is $XXX . If Google says you need 15-20 clicks to get a conversion, you would be looking at $XXX. Now keep in mind, unless your website is an e-commerce website, this conversion isn’t a sale. How many conversions or leads will you need to close a new client? What is your closing ratio? How many leads/conversions will you need to get a client.

These are all questions you must know in order to better understand how much your ad campaign will cost you for it to work. If you’re only receiving 1 lead per day, you might be wasting your budget on a poorly performing campaign.

At $10/click you need 15-20 clicks (lets say 17clicks on average) $10 x $17 = $170/lead. If you need 5 leads to convert 1 lead, you would need $850 per day to close 1 lead a day. If we look at an average of $850/day at 30days per month, your campaign budget should be roughly $25,000/mo. Having said this, we have law firms that are closing roughly 4 clients a week at this budget so your firm must be scalable.

Any buget less then $1000/mo in the Vancouver market might not be the right fit for your law firm. If you’re an attorney looking to grow your practice, a good strategy would be selecting 1 campaign to target within you office. For example if you’re a personal injury lawyer in surrey, your budget could go a long way if you simply target the Surrey.

Lawyer SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of getting traffic from search results in the ‘non-paid’ section of search engines.  When a person uses a search engine like Google, Bing or Yahoo; the search engine provides results based on the websites that are most relevant to the words used in that search. There are myths that Google uses over 200 algorithms factors. These factors can make or brake your websites chance of ranking for your industry related keywords. Factors like the age of your domain, keywords that appear in top level domains, title tags that start with keywords and content length are just the beginning of SEO. 

If you’re redesigning an existing website, creating a new website, you should consider working with an agency that will optimize your content as you’re developing and not after its launched. If you’re simply looking for SEO services for your current law firm website, there are several audits that can be done on the overall website performance, site speed and even checking to see if the copy is original content and not plagiarized.

Understanding the law firms goal and what keywords they want to rank for is important to consider, however, doing proper keyword research is just as important. Most business owners use industry related keywords but they sometimes miss out on keywords that are being used by people not in the industry.

An example of this is when a client wanted to rank for ‘separation lawyer Vancouver’. This phrase doesn’t have any search volume… However, ‘Divorce lawyer Vancouver’ is currently searched 590/mo.  Another related keyword would be ‘Family Lawyer Vancouver’, this phrase is searched 880/mo.

Picking your keyword strategy is very important to keep your SEO agency focused on growing quality online traffic to your law firm website

When you’re conducting keyword research, we often use a couple of websites and software to look up the most relevant words that will target your ideal client. We don’t only look at the search volume related to your keywords. Selecting keywords with the most volume isn’t the best strategy in SEO. It’s good to have an idea of what Is being searched most, however if you want to accelerate your SEO strategy, you should consider targeting long tailed keywords that could target a more qualified client looking for your services.